Thursday, August 20, 2009

My 2006 H3 project, the beginning.

I have created this blog to document my first custom fit fiberglass speaker box for my H3. I have done a lot of research on the Internet on how to accomplish this and have viewed hundreds of pictures and YouTube videos of really good boxes. I have taken my queue from these professionals and so far I have not found any boxes like my design. This is a work in progress so you will be able to follow along with my progress and see how things are going. At this point I do not know exactly how it is going to turn out.
I have a great idea in my mind and I hope it comes out that way. I have drawn several pictures of my plan and think it will be very functional. I wanted to make a sub box that would not get in the way. I have had lots of MDF sub boxes over the years and they are all very heavy, bulky, and inevitably get in the way. Seeing how this is a hummer and how much my family and I love to go camping, I have filled the back to the top with gear before. So, I have decided to to install the subs in the far back window wells.
These windows are really deep and I cannot see out of them anyway. Unless I turn all the way around in the driver seat and look past the kids and the headrests. I have always used my mirrors anyway after driving my huge full size conversion van. All the windows had blinds pulled down all the time. I could not even see out the rear view mirror. So I have learned to use my mirror exclusively.
Here are a few pictures of my progress this far. I am happy with how it is turning out so far, but if anything goes wrong, I will share it here.
This is the driver side of the hummer where the first box will be going.
Here you can see where both boxes will be going.
This is what it looks like before I start masking. I have taken off the plastic housing so that I can get a fit that will be able to be screwed to the sheet metal and not through the plastic if I ever need to reinstall the original window treatments.

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